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(450) 348-7569

Financing available through flexiti - 6 months at 0% interest.

A logo for with a red circle in the middle

Financing available through flexiti - 6 months at 0% interest.

A logo for with a red circle in the middle


full service

Lord Photo is proud to add professional card design and printing service! Printed on a high quality digital press, we will be able to highlight your colors and information!



full service

Lord Photo is proud to add professional card design and printing service! Printed on a high quality digital press, we will be able to highlight your colors and information!

Professional printing service at Lord Photo

We can now offer you the full printing service on our quality digital press. Whether for your leaflets, folding cards, personalized calendars, event posters, demonstration brochures, business cards or any other printing project, we are here for you! Always with the same concerns for quality within our professional laboratory.

  • A drawing of a feather on a notebook next to a pen and pencil
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